This-Is-Great! clap clap clap

I'm (still) playing catch-up from over the holidays (and from lovely rounds of sickness at our house crazy ). But, boy, I am really glad that I found this tonight dance.

Really interesting idea for a story. Loving the premise. The BATP/HOL timeframe is such an emotional ride for both Lois and Clark. So many feelings, so many misunderstandings. So much miscommunication. A story like this, where Clark is on Lois' side, trying to help her, while she is engaged to Lex? Brilliant--such a great change from how separate their lives become for awhile in canon.

Great descriptions of the photos. And that second one, wow. Clark's fantasy grin. I's hoping it becomes a reality.

I'm going to really enjoy catching up on this one clap...

"Where's Clark?" "Right here."

...two simple sentences--with so much meaning.

~Lois and Clark in 'House of Luthor'~