And now back to Darth Michael's FDK...

Darth Michael: wave Thanks for your patience. Apparently, kids expect their mom to spend time with them instead of writing during the winter holidays. huh Who knew?

Oooh! New fic! /makes EW nervous with all his excitement/
Again... no pressure there. [Linked Image]

Originally Posted by ER
Originally Posted by BtP
Between the Pages
Hmm… a ‘page’ is sometimes called ‘sheet’. This means the title can also be ‘Between the Sheets’
Firstly, yes, of paper. Secondly, Gfic boards, so no.

Originally Posted by ER
Originally Posted by BtP
Description: Lois and Clark team up to prevent a potential scandal from Lois’s past from reaching her fiancé’s attention.
The one where a famous superhero was caught in-flagrante with an award-winning reporter?
NUNK: It was one of my finest articles smile1
BATMAN: /Despite being Batman/ Selina was *not* happy about that one.
lol Good thing you meant Batman, because it would be difficult for Clark not to know if Lois cheated on him with Superman.

Wait, it’s about Lois and *LEX*? /ER not happy with this situation/
Oh. Did I forget to mention it was set during the end of S1? Oooops.

Originally Posted by er
Originally Posted by BtP
If Clark couldn’t see how the man had rescued them all when he had bought the paper, then she no longer wanted to be partnered with him.
/confused/ Oh, that’s Clark repeating Lois’s sentiment, isn’t it?
Yes. Clark repeating Lois's words to him.

To be fair, had he spoken the truth about *other* things, she might have listened to these truths as well. So, it’s kind of his own fault, isn’t it?
OBI WAN: From a certain point of view.

Because he likes his women opinionated because their angry face is usually quite attractive? Plus, makeup sex?
Clark likes a challenge. Also, he wanted me to let you know that he wasn't first-hand familiar with the concept of make-up sex.
CLARK: I did not say that! [Linked Image]

But isn’t he lying already?
Only lying by omission.
LOIS: So, yes.

CLARK: It’s not lying if I do not use words my mother forbade me from using to refer to other life forms. Or animal waste products.
Let's just say, he's trying to avoid a certain topic of conversation.
CLARK: Lois's stupidity in her choice in men?

Originally Posted by er
Originally Posted by BtP
Luthor had made Lois editor after Chip had been unable to handle the writing and grammatical side of being the editor-in-chief.
And Lois can? The grammar part, that is. I think she might have used sexual favors to garner that position.
Lex was hoping.
JIMMY: She must have. I mean she's engaged to the boss.
CLARK: nuum... num... num... I cannot hear you!

See? Even Clark thinks she’s sleeping herself to the top.
MINDY: My hero!
No. Clark thinks she's earned preferential treatment by her fiance`.

Originally Posted by ER
Originally Posted by BtP
but Lois claimed that the position was only temporary until Luthor could find a suitable replacement for their former boss.
Not for her, then?
LOIS: /finds this concept quiet funny./
Replacement of Perry not Lex's fiancee.

Originally Posted by ER
Originally Posted by BtP
That had been two months ago and Clark doubted that Luthor wanted his future missus to ever investigate again.
LEX: It’s much safer that way.
CLARK: True, if she's able to investigate, she might discover what a scumbag her fiance is.

Who know? But it certainly gets him to do a lot of dog shows.
I'm sure there can't be dog shows every week in Metropolis.
LOIS: No, there's also cat shows, car shows, boat shows, and graduations.

She got Perry down pat, doesn’t she? Can you imagine her managing the Luthor household, or her husband? Poor Lex.
She isn't allowed to manage her boss.
LOIS: mad Boss?

He’s quite distrustful, isn’t he?
/shrugs/ It's his nature.

It’s because Susan keeps Lois busy with properly planned schedules and lunch deliveries.
LOIS: Plus, I’ve not got my own stockpile of chocolate in my own office.
LEX: Susan, you're fired! My fiancee has gained 10 pounds since your hire!

It’s unprofessional and Lois is nothing if not a professional.
PERRY: lol

NUNK: And I’ve got the classifieds ads from her college days to prove it!
LOIS: Let me see those! *Linda!*

Is she doing drugs?
Well, she is engaged to Lex.
CLARK: So, you dumped him?
LOIS: What? No. No, Clark, to the drugs.
CLARK: Oh. That 'no'.

Huh? Yes. Mood swings. She must be on drugs. /checks google/ Yep, she’s doing Meth, all right.
When would she have the time?

He thinks that’s a wise thing to say?
He's trying to get her to smile. /crickets/ yep and failed.

It does, if she is engaged to a billionaire and the baby was conceived by an infamous superhero.
BRUCE WAYNE: I swear, if I catch her again with Batman, I’ll…I’ll…
SELINA: …marry me?
Why would Bruce Wayne marry Selina if Lois was pregnant with Batman's child?

Originally Posted by ER
Originally Posted by BtP
Anyway, if Lois was pregnant she and Luthor could just move up their wedding date. It wasn’t as if it was far off anyway.
Totally inconspicuous.
CAT: Well, that explains the quick nuptials! [Linked Image]

Originally Posted by ER
Originally Posted by BtP
“Do you need me to contact Superman?” he asked.
Because she doesn’t know how to reach the father? Oh, right, he thinks the little one is made-by-Luthor.
CLARK: Hey, I said she’s not…/sick/
No, because he's hoping it has to do with capturing her fiance.

She wants the creep caught, not eviscerated?
Well, then, she'd have to admit that that outcome was possible.

She’s had done ‘artistic’ photographs and doesn’t want Lex to see them?
Something like that.

NUNK: With what I’m going to get from Lane for not sending those classifieds to her fiancé, I can retire in the Carribean.
There's no photos in classifieds.

Yes, but he doesn’t think she’s still a virgin, does he? I mean, the Claude incident must be well know in the greater Metropolitan area, right?
CAT: Yes.
LOIS: Oh, No!
LEX: Yes.
LOIS: eek No!

And he believed her?
She thought so.

OTOH, yes, he must think she’s…well…he’s not going to marry her for her horizontal abilities…
He does have Mrs. Cox for that.
LOIS: What?

LEX: You’re telling me she *hasn’t* slept with Superman?
Not for lack of trying.

LEX cont.: No wonder the poor fellow spends his night out in the sky, looking for something to do. I wonder, if I supplied him with a willing replacement to Lois Lane…
Willing isn't the problem.
LEX: A-Ha! I happen to know a pretty little Assistant D.A. who can't stand Superman.
SUPERMAN: No, that's not what EW... What? Someone doesn't like me?

Hoping to break them up, huh?
CLARK: [Linked Image]

Originally Posted by ER
Originally Posted by BtP
“Well, while we didn’t go all the… um… way… he did convince me to pose for some risqué pictures.
He did? She did? /shock & thud/
There's the reason Paul dumped Lois so quickly for Linda. She was too much effort.

Yes, taking risqué photos but not going all the way? Smart girl.
Actually, that is better, isn't it?

See? Today you don’t have those issues.
PAUL: I’m going to delete those pictures from my Claude™ account right after our photo session is done. I swear!
So sad. /shakes head/

CLARK: Nudie pics of Lois!
Clark pictures headline: CLARK KENT WINS LOTTO!

Oh? They’ve been doing kinky stuff?
lol That's exactly what I wanted you to think. evil

Right. Henderson. The MPD. Like they wouldn’t need the picture for ‘evidence’.
LOIS: Exactly!
NATIONAL WHISPER: The MPD is looking for the person who is trying to sell these photos of an anonymous woman. Please take a good look at the photos and if you know who might have the negatives, please contact Henderson at the MPD.

I wonder…What if Paul had them developed at a photo kiosk and they stole the negatives?
Wouldn't they just steal an extra set of prints?

Yes, but she knows what *other* pictures she had taken.

“That was one of the tamer shots,” Lois revealed.
CLARK: /thud/
Yep. More photos.
CLARK: hyper

But it’s not slander if she really took those photographs.
Yes, but what everyone will say and assume based on those photos would be.

Originally Posted by ER
Originally Posted by BtP
Clark stared at her, wondering if she heard the words coming out of her own mouth.
Oh, right. Free press.
LEX: Don't be ridiculous. I make them pay 75 cents.

Like any good attorney would.
Clark's a smart cookie. Kryptonian chip.

He? Also…
CLARK: /evil thoughts/ Lois isn’t concerned about her own image, so…
EW: Of course Lois is concerned, she just knows that Lex wouldn't be concerned on her behalf.
CLARK: So, she's marrying him?
EW: No, no. I mean, she isn't concerned because...
LOIS: I know I look good.
EW: No, no!
LOIS: shock I don't?
EW: No, of course you do.
CLARK: Of course she does!
EW: Clark! No, I mean, she doesn't want to admit that she's concerned.
LOIS: Right. That's why.

They were *supposed* to be sexy!
Well, it worked.

Also, she gets way more money in a divorce than when he dumps her before the wedding for the next starlet that comes along.
BENDER: Before you walk down the aisle, my dear, can you just sign this pre-nup, saying that Mr. Luthor can see with whomever he pleases, but you can't even look at another man? Thanks.

Because they’re worth a million dollars?
Actually, it's much lower than that. In NYC, it's $1000.

Quite the diplomat. Can’t wait to see her dealing with upper management.
LEX: Oh, she won't be working after the honeymoon. She'll be too busy getting the nursery ready.
LOIS: I don't garden.

LOIS: My time is more important than to spend it listening to stupid drivel.
LEX: Isn't she wonderful?

Really? She’s happy to play the taste tester for the boss?
SUSAN: I did a lot of tasting the Boss to get this job.
Ooooh! Low blow. peep

Oh? And now she works for a crook?
The ARMY doesn't pay as much.

Lex worried someone might kidnap Lois?
LEX: It’s not *that* farfetched a notion.
Exactly. Her wedding ring cost a small fortune.

He’s evil.
No. He's addicted.

He’s into superheros?
CLARK: [Linked Image]

Back on the farm, boys are mean to girls they like?
I thought that was elementary school.

Originally Posted by ER
Originally Posted by BtP
“I’m different than they are. I woo differently.”
He ignores them.
CLARK: To be fair, it worked on Cat.
LOIS: A pulse works on Cat.
clap True.

He’s so going to file those images away in his mind for later use.
Doesn't have to. Photographic memory.

A guys shirt. A guy she’s slept with.
CLARK: Hey, it *could* be my shirt!
She didn't sleep with Paul.
CLARK: Yeah!

She was wearing *underwear*?
LOIS: What part of "I didn't sleep with Paul" did you not understand?

Unless, it’s not showing underwear because it only shows naked skin?
The shirt was long enough to cover everything Clark hasn't seen before.

Yes. Right. Uh-huh.
Or perhaps wait for the next photo to arrive.

Originally Posted by ER
Originally Posted by BtP
At the door, he turned back to her. “I’m going to catch this guy, Lois.”
But will they find him afterwards?
CLARK: /sheepishly blushes/
You mean you think CLARK has the negatives?! Now, that's a twist I wish I *HAD* thought of! Oh, you mean the blackmailer... or did you mean, Clark after he got hold of the negatives or the blackmailer?

ER: /sad that this part has come to an end.

Umm…I…this is…umm…slightly longish FDK? I’m sorry about that.
I'm not! I'm glad you enjoyed it.

Originally Posted by ER
Originally Posted by EW
and I plan on posting once every week.
ER: /still sad/
I'm still waiting for Part 4 to come back from Beta.

Originally Posted by ER
Originally Posted by groobie
her rolling out of his bed, grabbing his shirt, and quickly typing up an important story,
Like how she just discovered Superman's secret identity? evil
CLARK: cat help
rotflol clap

"On the long road, take small steps." -- Jor-el, "The Foundling"
"clearly there is a lack of understanding between those two... he speaks Lunkheadanian and she Stubbornanian" -- chelo.