I for one am delighted to see this chapter is not all doom and gloom. dance

Add me to those extremely curious to know exactly what happened on the roof. Wondering if the explanation could be as simple as Lois not able to follow what Clark was saying due to her own thoughts or perhaps being in shock from being whisked to the roof.

Lois finally confessing her motive was enlightening. In this case her impulsive nature has caused significant pain and suffering to herself and others. This story has come full circle, with Lois starting out to rescue Clark and now needing emotional rescue by him.

Another cliffhanger! I like this one, probably because it's different, not (so far at least) involving anyone in peril immediately. Finding out who exactly is on that stage and their explanations will be interesting. Only 6 days to go... and counting.


"Honey, we didn't care if you were a Russian or a Martian... You were ours... and we weren't giving you to anybody." ~ Martha in Strange Visitor

"A love that risks nothing is worth nothing." ~ Jonathan in Big Girls Don't Fly