Completely captivated, Corrina. It is amazing how different life can be based on certain decisions...

There is such a dark, mysterious undertone to the story right now--and I love that. I'm not sure what I was expecting, after having read Part 1, but definitely, this reality is a lot worse for Lois (and Clark) than I had imagined. You really have me at the edge of my seat wanting more grovel notworthy.

Prior to reading this discussion, 'pram' would have had me picturing a buggy-type stroller. And 'pusher'--while I figured out immediatly what you were referring to, was not a word I was familiar with. 'Stroller', IMO, would be the do-all, catch-all term here in the US. (That's what we call anything in our personal 'collection', anyway--the umbrella stroller, regular stroller, and two-seater stroller grin. It's amazing how much stuff you accumulate with little kids...).

I'll 3rd Lynn's theory smile. I don't think Clark has his powers either. Which would explain how worried he was that Lois showed up at the Metropolis Star--no way to protect either of them. I think he's spent two very long, very sad, very stressful years alone. Without his job at the Planet. Without his best friend. Without the woman he loves. Without his powers. Without a lot of hope.

These two days are going to be interesting hyper clap hyper.

Last edited by LMA; 05/09/15 03:00 AM.

"Where's Clark?" "Right here."

...two simple sentences--with so much meaning.

~Lois and Clark in 'House of Luthor'~