Originally Posted by Lynn S. M.
My fellow Americans, what term(s) do you use?

I have never heard the term "pusher" used for anything other than slang meaning a drug dealer. Pram is UK English - if Corrina is going to change the word, she should change it to stroller, which is US English.

Originally Posted by Female Hawk
in Australia (my part, anyway), we traditionally use 'pram' for something substantial with large wheels that can take a very young baby. We use 'stroller' for something more lightweight with small wheels where the 6-month-plus baby sits, usually facing forward.
Both are called strollers here. The smaller kind is an umbrella stroller, which is what you'd type if you were specifically looking for it online, but in casual language, it would just be called a stroller.

This part was captivating. I love that you haven't revealed everything - that it's a mystery to both Lois and the reader. I second Lynn's theory as to what's really going on. Clark has clearly had his secret revealed and Lois' safety threatened in order to neutralize him, and he's being keep in Metropolis to watch and suffer from afar.

You definitely have me hooked! Hey, I suppose that makes you a pusher (of stories, anyway). lol

You can find my stories as Groobie on the nfic archives and Susan Young on the gfic archives. In other words, you know me as Groobie. wink