Haha, I think it's awesome that the thread goes from California (my home state) to Missouri (where most of my family is from). My family has been in town for my grandparent's 50th anniversary-- you absorb that accent so fast (we're the folks who pronounce it Missourah).

That article is awesome though, Annie. Very true. Everything. I'd always be upset when our family drove across country and we could never find good Mexican food-- anywhere. I've never really thought about the casual friday thing-- I kind of always thought it was a joke. Like, did people go to work in their pajamas or something? I forget we pretty much live in flip flops. The "dude" thing I never knew was weird until my very same Missouri family started laughing at me for saying it all the time. :P

Also, another thing I'm not sure was mentioned but I didn't see in the article is that everything is measured in time, not distance. My cousin (second cousin?) wanted to go to Yosemite in a day, we told him it'd take about three hours from where we were. He thought he could just drive faster and get there quicker. HA! laugh

Nothing spoils a good story like the arrival of an eye witness.
--Mark Twain