In southeastern Michigan we know that:

-The state bird is the mosquito.
-The state tree is an orange construction barrel.
-It takes less than 15 minutes to go "to the beach" (from anywhere in the state).
-Most of your relatives (and you) work in the car industry.
-You think the orange "End Road Work" signs would make a decent campaign slogan.
-Major industries shut down on November 15th (i.e opening day for deer season).
-You listen to almost as many Canadian stations as U.S.
-The middle of a lake becomes the 10th largest city two weeks of the year. (Tip-Up Town ice fishing festival)
-You've literally seen rain, sun, fog and snow all within 5 minutes at least once.
-Trolls, Fudgies and Yoopers are people, too. (Trolls=residents living below the Mackinaw bridge, Fudgie=fudge buying tourist, Yooper=upper peninsula resident)
-Nothing that happens in Detroit is surprising anymore.
