I'm so glad everyone likes the Henderson moment! smile1 It's no secret that Bill Henderson is one of my favourite supporting characters in the series. I love the way he and Lois react to each other, his dry sarcasm against her sharp tongue. It's clear that he does respect her as a reporter, just as she does him as a cop. Why else would a detective inspector turn up to an ordinary everyday burglary just because someone he knows asks him?

Anyway, this scene wasn't originally planned. It happened because a few people who saw early sections of the story, long before I started posting, got worried about the prints Clark left on Lois's windowsill and the fact that the cops called to her apartment found them. So I started to think about what might happen if his prints weren't just thrown away but were fed into the system... and I remembered Superman getting fingerprinted in MOSB... and took it from there. goofy

And, yes, I just couldn't see Henderson doing anything other than protecting Clark. He's no fool. I'd imagine that he probably suspected there was a lot more to Superman than met the eye before this, and seeing the matched prints would have just fitted in with his suspicions that perhaps Superman was more than he seemed.

As for other comments:
Wendy, seriously!!!!!! Come on! When you post, do you let out this evil laugh because you know how we're all going to feel after we read it??? Because that is not nice!
ROFL! Nicole, would I do anything of the kind? goofy

(Oh, and Em, sorry about that frustration and desperation stuff. Really. goofy

And, as such, part 9 is coming up shortly. smile

Wendy smile

Just a fly-by! *waves*