Wendy, seriously!!!!!! Come on! When you post, do you let out this evil laugh because you know how we're all going to feel after we read it??? Because that is not nice! goofy

Then she had to blink rapidly because her eyes couldn’t keep up with the blur of colours and movement in front of her. Her head was swimming and she was swaying... tilting... losing her balance... Breathing heavily, she put out her arms to steady herself.

“I’ve got you.” She opened her eyes to see Superman in front of her, his arms around her. “Let’s go.”
This is great... the state she's in, being weak and feeling so dizzy, you can just imagine that the switch (spinning and colors) would have an affect on her, and you write that so well, with vivid detail. You can feel how she must feel witnessing this, and I just love that he says "I've got you." Because he sure does. It's so sweet.

Let those kids find happiness, Wendy. For the love of god!

The curtains parted then, and Clark reappeared. “Superman tells me it’s safely delivered,” he said as he crossed to stand beside Lois again. She caught his hand, and his fingers closed around hers.
I just love all the hand-holding. I turn to mush blush

So Wendy, this is such a rollercoaster of emotions! Lois is progressively getting worse, and everything they're doing for her seems so small, like it doesn't matter, but I could be thinking like that because Lois and Clark keep having those moments where they think like that. I love that she noted that by the time the new test results come back she probably wouldn't be seeing straight. I feel so bad for her! To face something like that and with no time to even really wrap your mind around it... it's just happening. Quickly. I'm scared for both of them. I feel like Clark might be on his own soon to find a way to save her. But I like them working together.

Anyway, another great part! Since you're close to finished, do you think the posting schedule might change? Maybe 3 posts a week????

More soon, please smile smile smile