Ack, Wendy, you are mean! How can you torture us for so long? Don't you want to post the final parts now and put us out of our misery? You know you want it. You don't hate us. You're not cruel. Right? [Linked Image]

They were on the Planet roof, Clark having mostly carried her up the stairs after she’d eyed them doubtfully. She was beginning to understand what Sutton had meant when he’d warned her about her body giving up on her. Her legs didn’t seem to want to obey many of her brain’s commands any more.
Aww, but she'll regain all bodily functions, right??? She'll be okay? Right? Don't make me use that smilie again... frown

But what if you can’t find him? What if it can’t be fixed?
Awww. I love how there's sort of a war going on within her... on the one hand, she's determined to find the antidote with Clark, and absolutely certain that she'll live because... well, because she doesn't want to think otherwise. On the other hand, she keeps asking herself, what if she really died? What if she *couldn't* be saved? And then comes the question... should she make the most of her final day, should she give up and just [try to] enjoy the day with Clark, or should she fight on for her life?

Julie smile

Mulder: Imagine if you could come back and take out five people who had caused you to suffer. Who would they be?
Scully: I only get five?
Mulder: I remembered your birthday this year, didn't I, Scully?

(The X-Files)