I'm with the others - I loved Henderson here, especially the computer bits, and I loved how Clark's arms have been right there when Lois was falling. It's a metaphor for how Clark feels for Lois, too - he is there when she needs him, even when she isn't conciously choosing to need him.

Henderson knowing about CK = S could be a huge advantage for, er, both of them goofy in the future. Lois always offered much more believable excuses for Clark when he had to go be Superman, and I can see Henderson being the same way. Superman has no better ally in Henderson than with Lois herself.

She’d noticed him faintly tilting his head, an intent expression on his face, at least twice more - and now she knew, finally, just what that look of his meant. Each time, he’d simply got back to what he was doing within a couple of seconds.

Superman was taking the day off, just for her.
is seriously mush-inducing. Love it! She knows, really knows, what those 'looks' of his mean. And she sees that he, a person who simply cannot not help, is ignoring all of it for her. Again, he is there when she needs him.

In the future they're going to have (RIGHT?) whinging


TicAndToc :o)


"I have six locks on my door all in a row. When I go out, I lock every other one. I figure no matter how long somebody stands there picking the locks, they are always locking three."
-Elayne Boosler