This bothers me.

"I suppose that's true," the doctor grudgingly agreed. "How are you feeling otherwise?"

"So far, since that one attack, I've been feeling okay. Like my usual self, to be honest. The worst part has been forcing myself to not use my powers."

Maybe I'm reading something in here that isn't intended, but I always look for "bad guy" angles any time Clark can't be Superman for a while. And I can't escape the feeling that this is exactly what some really, really evil genius has come up with to keep Superman out of his hair. The fact that it's also deflecting the best team of investigative reporters on the East Coast is just a bonus.

Anyway, I think this is an original and very interesting tale. And don't worry about this chapter moving a little slower. You can't run a distance race at top speed or you'll crash and burn. I'm sure you're saving enough for a finishing kick. Loved the Ellen stuff, too. "Of course you married an alien." Translated, that may mean, "Lois, you never liked any of the young men I suggested to you, the ones with excellent breeding and well-established families and lots of old money."

You're posting the next part when?

Life isn't a support system for writing. It's the other way around.

- Stephen King, from On Writing