Yay! clap I really like people knowing the secret. Having Dr. Klein and Sam and Ellen involved just makes this whole scary/sad situation seem a little less hopeless (and a lot less lonely for Lois and Clark).

Clark chuckled. "He does. Or, rather, I do."

He removed his glasses and undid the first few buttons on his dress shirt, just enough to pull the material apart to reveal the S shield and blue suit beneath. For a moment, no reaction registered on Dr. Klein's face, save for a look of utter confusion. Then, slowly, it seemed to dawn on the man. His demeanor changed. Confusion gave way to shock. Weariness melted away as his eyes widened and his mouth opened up into a small O.

"Are you telling me...?"

"I am, Dr. Klein. It's all true. He and I are one and the same."

For a long moment, Dr. Klein studied the face before him, saying nothing. Then, finally, "My, God. I mean, I always knew you were close...and always felt like Lois was closer to Superman than a mere friend...but this..." His voice trailed off. He looked pointedly at Lois' belly after a moment. "But that would mean..."

Lois smiled warmly as her hand fluttered to her stomach. "That you were wrong."

"For the first time, I am thrilled to hear that," the doctor said, returning the smile.

I really liked this part of their conversation with Dr. Klein...and the doctor realizing just how 'wrong' he was notworthy. The friendship that they all share really was evident in your writing here...

If it was possible, Dr. Klein's mood darkened further. "I should have seen this coming," he lamented.

"Hey," Clark said, standing and touching the man on his shoulder. "No one could have known. I didn't even suspect that anything was wrong, until the other day."

"I'm your doctor," Dr. Klein argued.

"And I am a complete biological anomaly," Clark reminded him with a grin. "Normal isn't normal for me. Even if we'd been looking for damage, chances are, we wouldn't have found anything."

I hadn't thought about the fact that Dr. Klein would potentially feel guilty for not seeing this issue for Clark on the horizon. Clark did a great job of talking the doctor's guilt down--and in a real matter of fact sort of way. With all the work Bernie needs to do for Clark, getting rid of some of his guilt is a really good thing, I'd guess. He needs to be able to concentrate.

Oh--last bit...I wanted to also mention that I think Clark is handling everything really well. You've definitely written some fear into him for the situation, but you've added a lot of level-headedness and also maturity. Lois, too. I'm really looking forward to seeing them lean on and depend on each other in these next chapters...

Great job--can't wait for more dance

"Where's Clark?" "Right here."

...two simple sentences--with so much meaning.

~Lois and Clark in 'House of Luthor'~