Oh how I have been waiting for this, on tenterhooks, with bated breath, on pins and needles...
This was unbelievable! Her life depended on the result of this blood test, and the hospital was making it impossible for her blood to be analysed!
Welcome to the world of HMOs razz
Medical treatment in Switzerland?
What IS it with that place! Such notoriety and so little basis in fact...although the cowbells are nice.

“Thanks, Lex.” Lois closed her eyes briefly. “I knew I could count on you.”
GRRRRRR. rotflol

“I’m Superman.”
About time!

Except that Superman still crouched in front of her in Clark’s clothes.
Don't let HIM hear you say that!

“Okay. Lex.” And she dialled.
And I say again: Grrrr wildguy

Great part! Hate Lex. Love Clark. Yeah Superman. Save Lois Lane.

That about sums it up.


Swoosh --->