Ooh, somehow I hadn't expected to see this today...

I'd say the mess at the hospital lab was unbelievable, but I've had some similar (if smaller scale!) experience with my local hospital... I ended up going directly to the independent lab, but Lois's sample has already been taken, which only complicates things...

It's good to get some use out of Lex. He may only give a damn about one or two people, but for those, the world is their oyster.

Superman. Why hadn’t it occurred to him before?
'cause you're a moron? goofy Or possibly because you've been short on sleep, busy with other details, and needing every shred of self-control you've got to keep from going insane?

There’d been the small matter of her crush on the Spandex, apart from anything else.
I like that phrasing -- "crush on the Spandex" -- that encapsulates it so well, at least from Clark's point of view. She's fixated on an empty suit.

Clark hunkered down so that his face was level with hers, and with his free hand he pulled off his glasses. “I’m Superman.”
Whee! Even though I've been rooting for this, I was still taken by surprise. It must have really been hard for you to forgo the usual four pages of angst wink

Her body - her nervous system - was already giving up on her.

It had to be. Otherwise she’d just have heard Clark tell her that he was Superman. And that couldn’t be true. Right?
And *that* reaction is classic. Denial, meet desperate fear of losing one's faculties. I'm sure you'll get along great.

She looked up at the note of impatience in Clark’s voice, and saw him frowning at her. He was wearing his glasses again and, as he gave her a ‘get on with it’ wave of his hand, he seemed so familiar again. Her partner. The guy she worked with eight, ten, sometimes twelve hours a day. The person she thought she’d known better than anyone.

The man she hadn’t known at all.
Well, it'll give her something interesting to contemplate... distract her from that whole "impending neurological collapse and death" thing...

This is moving along very nicely, Wendy! So, how many parts have you got written so far, and is Lois dead yet? goofy

Let's hope not...

Al Capone? I should have known you couldn't go a whole story without referring to TOGOM! rotflol

"You told me you weren't like other men," she said, shaking her head at him when the storm of laughter had passed.
He grinned at her - a goofy, Clark Kent kind of a grin. "I have a gift for understatement."
"You can say that again," she told him.
"I have a...."
"Oh, shut up."

--Stardust, Caroline K