Originally Posted by VirginiaR
Changing to a brighter color what the Links look like would help too. I think Lynn has already requested that change on the other thread.

Originally Posted by Wendy
I agree that this would be a LOT easier; however, I've been scouring the control panel and can't find any settings related to text colour, which is frustrating. frown Annette is busy working on more important consequences of the upgrade, so it may be a few days before she can take a look at this. I do agree that it would be a huge improvement to usability

Originally Posted by Kismatt
You are referring to the links in the body of the posts, or others?

The issue I'm having is that the date and the name of the person I'm replying to are blue on blue in the row banner at the top of my post. I cannot see it without highlighting it so it's a different color. Is that part of what's being addressed
If we change the bars where the Subject line is back to its former red, then the blue font would pop more and be easier to read. I, personally, miss the red bars. Bringing them back would make this new site feel more like home. Right now, it feels as if our historic apartment building we used to call home has burned down. We've moved as much as we can into this new condo, which we all admit has great amenities, but it's just missing that little touch of home.

Originally Posted by Lynn S. M.
I had actually been referring to the links in the topic lists and folders list that take one to an individual post. What I dislike about those links is that they are no longer colour-coded to let one know whether or not the link has been followed (read). I am starting to get used to the way the board now shows the read vs. unread messages, so my complaint isn't as strong as it had been. That colour-coding would still be nice, but it isn't necessary.

I agree that the other links mentioned would be better served in brighter colours.
Lynn, if the imbedded links colors change wouldn't it also change those links? Usually once you click on a link it changes color to shown you've looked at it already, doesn't it?

Originally Posted by Kismatt
Also, can we please set a standard for what the posting icons should be for posting a story part on the fanfic/nfanfic topics? I see a few that are using the exclamation point (which, if we can't have the arrow back, would be my choice) but there are a variety of icons being used.
KatherineKent suggested in another post:

Bang! Exclamation Point: for Story Posts
Thumbsup: for FDK-threads
Lightbulbs: for either TOC or Challenges (we're still debating this one).

I've started using the first two when going back through my stories. I'm guessing when the new LnC FAQ gets up and running this will be formalized. I believe LabRat is working on those.

Originally Posted by Kismatt
Can we make the QUOTE block wider, too? Maybe size it in relation to the page width? You can see (above) it now has a horizontal scroll bar if there is more than one quote.
I've switched to quoting in lines (see above) instead of quote inside a quote inside a quote, which helps this a tiny bit. But I agree, Kismatt, that should be addressed. Very annoying. You should write up a ticket for that.

Last edited by VirginiaR; 04/28/14 11:15 AM.

"On the long road, take small steps." -- Jor-el, "The Foundling"
"clearly there is a lack of understanding between those two... he speaks Lunkheadanian and she Stubbornanian" -- chelo.