Originally Posted by VirginiaR
Wow, thanks, Mike. That will be a lot of help as I'm tracking down my old Parts. It's taken me about 1/2 hour to fix about five posts, because I have so many links (to TOC, to comments, to previous parts, etc) within each one. I'd rather have more work for me and less work for my readers, though. Anything which makes reading my monster epic easier for the reader, the better.

I've already added links to the Archived version of my stories within the TOCs and links to the TOCs within my TOC for All VirginiaR's TOCs thread. It'll be a lot of work fixing all the broken threads, but hopefully this will keep anyone wanting to read my stories happy in the meantime. Luckily, my name is at the end of the alphabet and I was able to organize the TOC thread by poster, which simplified things for me (and probably Wendy, but nobody else. smile ) Changing to a brighter color what the Links look like would help too. I think Lynn has already requested that change on the other thread.

Sorry but have been working on something else but the string for the Original FDK Postings is:

+"FDK - Wrong Clark (" -"Re: FDK - Wrong Clark"

It gets all 169 original comment posts for you to add to the TOCs. Anything I can do to help you with the other monsters let me know and I will try.


Create all the happiness you are able to create.
Remove all the misery you are able to remove.

Jeremy Bentham