You know, I've just re-read these comments in preparation for replying to them, and you've left me speechless. I just cannot find the words to thank you enough for all the wonderful things you're saying about this story. I'm touched. blush

Dave, my so-expressive test reader...

I wonder... do you go back and edit these after you've decided where to cut the file into parts, or do you write them thinking 'Man... that would be a *great* opening line!' and then go back and cut there? Because... once again. Fantastic opener. It puts us right back in the frame of mind... reminds us exactly how Lois is feeling and what's hapening and yes... it's perfection in twelve words.
LOL! goofy

José asks:
Are you sure you'll be able to finish this for the deadline?
Oh, now, there's something I'm very happy to answer. Yes, it'll definitely be finished before the end of the month. Since the start of NaFinWipsMo I've written over 20,000 words and 70 pages, so I have every confidence that this'll be finished pretty soon. I think I'm more than 3/4 done now.

But I'm still going to stick to a twice-weekly posting schedule - for one thing, I need to give my BRs a chance to keep up with me, and for another, you guys need time to read! goofy

Thank you all so very much again. Part 6 coming soon.

Wendy smile

Just a fly-by! *waves*