Thank you for the nice welcome Wendy! I have been lurking for quite a while, but this story almost demands to be commented upon.

I agree with the others and love the part where Lois instinctively calls Clark when she is in trouble rather than Superman.

And this part:

Short of flying around the city searching for some guy in a Donald Duck outfit carrying an empty syringe, he was out of ideas
Was very well placed. It allows for a bit of comic relief but it still fits in with the tension of the rest of the section.

This part:

As he turned to go back to the conference room, one of Henderson’s men beckoned him over. He changed course, feeling guilty relief that he didn’t have to rejoin Lois just yet.
Was simply great. It shows the stress that Clark is under. He is the most powerful man on the planet, but right now he feels powerless to save her.

As I mentioned before, I can't wait to see how this turns out. There are so many possibilities. Since it seems to take place in late 1st season, perhaps we will see some Luthor, either as friend or foe (or both.)

Can't wait to read and find out what happens in the upcoming sections.


"But my experience is that as soon as people are old enough to know better, they don't know anything at all."

-Oscar Wilde, "Lady Windermere's Fan"