Okay, it's not quite 6am yet, so... ignore anything that's... a bit loopy. (Well, loopier than normal - and hey, talking to the characters? Completely normal).

Also, I haven't read through the comments folder, so, while I'm sure you wouldn't mind hearing anything twice, sorry for any repetition. smile

And now, on with the show...

She resisted the urge to cling to Clark as the elevator ascended.
I wonder... do you go back and edit these after you've decided where to cut the file into parts, or do you write them thinking 'Man... that would be a *great* opening line!' and then go back and cut there? Because... once again. Fantastic opener. It puts us right back in the frame of mind... reminds us exactly how Lois is feeling and what's hapening and yes... it's perfection in twelve words. <g>

And, even though she had no idea what anyone in the newsroom had been told, she had no intention of letting anyone else see how this was affecting her.
And we're back to the 'Lois and Clark v. The World.' I really love that. smile

But no-one was going to be able to say that Lois Lane went out cowering and whimpering like a coward.
Except Clark... who probably wouldn't anyway. Maybe. <eg>

Oooh, Wendy! All that build up, all those nerves, and then:

Nobody noticed her.
I simply *love* that.

A lump had appeared out of nowhere and settled itself in her throat. Again. And her eyes were stinging. Again.

She wasn’t going to cry!
Dammit, Wendy. *swallows roughly. again*

Hold in there, Lois! Be strong!

Adore the repetition of 'Again.' - very, very powerful.

“I called Bobby Bigmouth - he hasn’t heard a thing. Not even a whisper of a rumour that anyone wanted me - or any reporter - dead. And that’s really unusual.”
Ah, yes. Bobby Bigmouth - fountain of all that is knowledgeable. <g>

It wasn’t that Bill Henderson was a bad cop. He wasn’t lazy or stupid. He was probably the least corrupt cop she knew, too.
Ah, and there's a bit of Wendy shinning through. <g> Don't get me wrong, it works for Lois as well, but I wonder...

She shouldn’t be taking out her frustration on him. He was here to help. “Okay. Where do we start?”
Okay... phew. She isn't doing the "be nice... and say your goodbyes," thing yet. Had me worried there! wink

Her eyes widened. When Henderson got serious, he really pulled out all the stops!
No kidding!

Wow, Wendy - you either watch a lot of Law and Order, or we've got Police FoLC I don't know about somewhere, because... oh yeah, I'm buying into that. <g>

“I wouldn’t rule out anyone in jail.” Clark spoke for the first time since Henderson had arrived. “After all, the guy who broke into Lois’s apartment could just be the messenger.”
Oooh, clever thinking 99! That never would have occurred to me. I love little tidbits like that - things that make this story so much more. <g>

I'm almost positive this would have been quoted before, but...

“Why did you call Kent? Why not yell for Superman?”

“Oh!” Lois frowned. Why hadn’t she? “I don’t know,” she said slowly. “I guess... Well, I was barely conscious. I think I just acted on instinct.”
Awww! *grunts* wink

It was now almost ten. Nearly seven hours of the twenty-four gone already, and they were no further forward.
See, that's what I love about you, Wendy. Functional and informative. <bg>

Clark picked up the files, remembering just in time to act as if the oversized bundle was heavy.
Okay, I *know* he still needs to protect his secret, but... I'm going to hit that boy!

Okay... My response to this chapter can be summed into one word... Gah. This was really, really well done, Wendy. Really fantastic. Ordinarily, I'd be clammouring for another post. Waving my fist and hollering for more, but... <vbg>


'I just kind of died for you;
You just kind of stared at me'
- Aurora, Foo Fighters