There's no need to get so defensive and attack me!! I wasn't insulting anyone on purpose! I just thought that 14 hours straight in front of a computer was a lot to do. I said "But to each their own."! People know there's something strange about what they do if they get defensive so quick.. Why get so defensive if you think what you do is justified??
You may have said to each their own, DigitalSky, but you threw in a few abrasive comments around that qualifier, that were almost bound to irritate people. Or did you expect that no one would mind you telling them they were really weird and had no life? goofy

I haven't seen anyone get particularly defensive - they're simply trying to explain the concept of videos to you as you don't seem to understand it. They really have nothing to be defensive about. Videos aren't just a part of this forum but are considered a pretty normal and standard part of fandoms all over the net. They're a pretty common feature. And they hardly need to justify themselves - all they're doing is enjoying their love of the show, just like everyone else on this forum, in a way that suits their particular talents. And providing a lot of pleasure for their fellow fans along the way. Videos are a very popular genre. Not just in this fandom.

Nor can I say I've seen people attacking you. Here and there the tone of replies to your comments may be a little...terse. But, again, you can hardly expect otherwise when a new member comes onto the forum and with their first posts immediately tells other members that they're weird and pathetic (which is what the phrase 'don't you have a life' means) simply for doing something so normal in fandoms it doesn't usually provoke comment. That kind of thing tends to irk people slightly. laugh

I think the lesson learned here is if you don't want to feel attacked, don't come into a forum and introduce yourself with an attitude that attacks your fellow members.

I get the impression from your last post that nothing anyone says is going to convince you that making videos is anything other than 'strange'. Personally I think that's your loss as they can be a wonderful form of entertainment imo. But...each to their own. wink

But there's absolutely no need for you to hang out here in FoLC productions if videos aren't to your taste. There are plenty of fanfic folders for you to choose from, if that's more appealing to you. smile Certainly though, hanging out in here and insulting those who don't share your opinion on the concept really isn't likely to win you many friends.

LabRat smile

Athos: If you'd told us what you were doing, we might have been able to plan this properly.
Aramis: Yes, sorry.
Athos: No, no, by all means, let's keep things suicidal.

The Musketeers