Originally posted by BanAnna:
14 hours? That is way overboard. Don't you have a life?? Lol. I could not do that. I like to read fanfiction, and sometimes try to write it, but I could not sit inside for 14 hours working on one project for that long.

But to each their own..Still reallyweird tho.
If you think that it's "reallyweird" for someone to have enough dedication to spend fourteen hours in front of a computer to make their creative art as perfect as they possibly can, then I feel sorry for you.

Spending that much time and effort to create something that you can be proud of is commendable. If more people did that, this world would probably have a lot more beauty and art and a lot less hate and violence. I have often spent fourteen hours in front of my computer to put together a vid or a graphic. In fact, I did it last night till 4am for I'll Be Okay. If that makes me "reallyweird" then so be it.

Vidding is a highly technical art form. It's my creative outlet. I don't know what you'd call "having a life," but I call having a marketable skill like video editing and using it to display my personal creativity a great life. Thank you very much.

Furthermore, as you can see by the titles of the forums and the varied discussions that take place on these boards, this is not [b]just
a fanfiction site. In addition to a lot of great fanfic, these boards host original fiction, graphic art, videos, games, polls, and an entire forum called "Off Topic" where just about anything can be disscussed. The main, original purpose for creating these boards was to have another place to post, read, and discuss fanfiction, but that is far from it's only function.

Andie, I enjoyed your vid immensely. It's been awhile since I've seen Hurcules so I didn't remember the song, but it fit Lois and Clark very well, and you did a wonderful job of matching the clips to the lyrics. I, for one, want to thank you for spending all that time and energy to create it and share it with us. thumbsup

~Anna [/b]
There's no need to get so defensive and attack me!! I wasn't insulting anyone on purpose! I just thought that 14 hours straight in front of a computer was a lot to do. I said "But to each their own."! People know there's something strange about what they do if they get defensive so quick.. Why get so defensive if you think what you do is justified?? confused