Anna blinked. The files she had gathered dropped from her hands and spread over the floor. “You’ll... need tea for that,” she said faintly, before darting around them and out the door. “I’ll be fast. And if anyone comes, I’ll... scald them.”
Omg lol. You'll need tea for that. I'll remember that the next time I perform a treasonous act.

“I would have known you weren't two people if I'd had more time. You were pretty obvious, and I was figuring you out in the park. If things hadn't gotten so insane, I would have put my finger on exactly who you were, I'm sure of it.”
Uh huh. You just keep telling yourself that, Lois.

One more thing. Silas looking through walls? I didn't pick that up til the second go-around. **scratches head** Apparently, it's significant. If Utopia changed, that wouldn't affect who has powers and who doesn't...would it? I suppose if anything, I would think that until now, people have never had a reason to use them...if that makes any sense? I suppose I'm also sort of thinking about Yvonne's current fic while I aimlessly throwing that suggestion out there. But that's ok. I'm perfectly happy in my head led by the dysfunctional squirrel operating my brain.

Arghh. You're killing me, woman! A half dozen bearclaws in the bakery, and they're still no closer to unwrapping the mystery behind it, aside from confirmng suspicions of course. Queen of frustration, thou art. Oh, you know I wouldn't have it any other way. wink Hopefully they will discover a thing or two during the 'back way out'.

Is it Tuesday yet? goofy

"Meg...who let you back in the house?" -Family Guy