I'm back, CC, and apologising for my absence from your feedback threads for the past couple of instalments. frown I've been reading and enjoying but, believe it or not, I simply ran out of superlatives with which to praise this.

I want to echo everything Hazel, Paul, Tank and others were saying in the last instalment about Utopia. Yes, this is exactly what always made me uncomfortable about the Utopia Wells kept talking about. It's too perfect. Too regimented. Too controlled. Too Disney-like. And it's not only boring, it's almost sinister.

Which is why the idea that Tempus gets the publicity he craves, and that Utopia changes as a result, becomes just a little less secure, a little less like a computer simulation of a perfect town, is just inspired. Pure genius! I am in absolute awe. razz

Wendy wink

Just a fly-by! *waves*