Well I see that this thread still hasn't died out. I hadn't planned on participating, but thought that if I couldn't inspire anyone with what I do, I could perhaps be an object lesson for those on the boards who are still in their studies.


I did okay in high school (I was valedictorian of a class of 500) but that don't mean nothing in college. I enrolled at the University of Minnesota's Institute of Technology. I won't bore you all with the details, but due to a combination of financial concerns and a failure to find a focused course of study, I didn't finish.

So for over thirty years now I've been a classic wage slave. Currently I work for a company that sells and installs commercial furniture systems. I work in the warehouse. That means I unload trucks, check in and put away the product, then I later pull the product from the racks to load our own trucks for jobs going out the next day. Sound like fun?

The daily workload is not consistant. Somedays are fairly reasonable, then the next you'll be inundated with trucks and product. It's the nature of any service oriented business. You are at the mercy of your customers and have to make hay when you can.

The job is quite physical in nature. I am required to be able to consistantly lift heavy boxes and objects, and I am on my feet walking on a concrete floor all day. When it's really cold, unloading a trailer at an open dock door can be a treat. One that is only topped by unloading a metal trailer in the high heat of mid summer. Our warehouse is NOT air-conditioned.

The sad part of this whole thing is... I don't hate my job. It's probably the best job I've had to date. The pay isn't particularly good, but I get by. The most attractive part of the job is that I like the guys I work with and we get along quite well. My immediate boss is a good guy and is someone who will back up his people as opposed to his predessesor who would only worry about covering his own butt.

Last time I was in Chicago for the Con I got Fred (my boss) a statue of Mr. Incredible because he looks just like him. The statue sits on his desk.

So, while it's not the end of the world if you find yourself as one of the myriad of those who don't have careers but merely have to 'work for a living', it's better to find what you really would like to do.

In that regard, take your schooling seriously. College can be a lot of fun, but don't loose sight of the prize at the end.

Not everyone is cut out for college. But there are several good alternatives, like trade schools and tech centers. Do you know how much a plumber or an electrician makes?

Money is nice, but the most important thing is find something you enjoy doing and be happy doing it.

Tank (who steps down from his little soapbox)