Okay, you weren't trying to offend me. I can accept that. I must admit straight up, when I perceive that my intelligence is being questioned, my hackles get raised, but here's the difference between me an a person with a "mental disability".

My response.

All I did was write an opposing viewpoint. I'm not going off myself or shoot up a building full of people in retailiation. And I will reiterate once more, if there were more upstanding citizens with the responsibility and skill around allowed to carry a firearm, mass murders would NOT happen either simply because the instigator would not live long enough to kill a lot of people.

Now as far as contradictions there's one right here.
I don't see that it would have been reasonable to deny the child a MySpace account, as long as she was being closely supervised.
But the day in question she obviously wasn't, so somebody in her family dropped the ball for what ever reason. And worse it was mentioned that the girl disobeyed her mother in staying online.

If the girl had been taught not to disobey her parents, she might still be around. It is in fact the duty of every loving parent to teach children to avoid harmful elements if possible. They must be trained to make smart decisions. Raising a kid to think rightly, practically and logically and still closely monitor their behavior doesn't seem contradictory at all.

Children can have all sorts of self defense training (rough and tumble as you said) and social life experience with bullies and such, and still be expected to do exactly what their parents tell them, in fact moreso, because rigorous and constant training/correction teaches discipline.

Now another thing I know about me is that when I'm certain of my opinion, no amount of written debate is going to change that, so it's my decision/response to leave off this thread, 'cause I know where it's going and I just don't feel like sitting up with a bottle of Rolaids all night long.



Jayne Cobb: Shepherd Book once said to me, "If you can't do something smart, do something RIGHT!