Who needs high-school bullies when you have adults who get their kicks from screwing with their kid's friends' heads on-line? Some people should just not be allowed to procreate.

Megan Meier, age 13, committed suicide earlier this week because of a vicious MySpace hoax.

Just when I thought the human race had finally found rock-bottom, it finds a drill and gets busy with it. I can't believe that there is no law in place to punish these people.

And you know what made me seriously homicidal? The fact that that woman said that she 'felt less guilty' about what she had done when she was informed that Megan had had problems and tried to commit suicide before. I mean, it wasn't HER fault that the kid was mental in the first place, was it? She would probably have offed herself sooner or later anyway, right?

I hope that woman and her husband gets driven out of the country.

“Is he dead, Lois?”

“No! But I was really mad and I wanted to kick him between the legs and pull his nose off and put out his eyes with a freshly sharpened pencil and disembowel him with a dull letter opener and strangle him with his own intestines but I stopped myself just in time!”
- Further Down The Road by Terry Leatherwood.