I've been enjoying the discussions in the previous parts' comment folders (especially part 7) though I'm clearly reading this story in a different way. I'm not analyzing very much or worrying *at all*, I'm just standing with my arms open wide, saying "come on, story, wash over me!" Just loving it and having fun with it and appreciating the smile I always have on my face while I'm reading. So thank you for that, CC. smile

This part didn't disappoint -- Silas is back (yay!), Lois is not only starting to accept her future but realizing that Clark is pretty darn cute (double yay wink ), and now L&C are about to find out more about Silas and the family's knowledge of Tempus (woo hoo!)

My favorite bits -- Lois's realization that she has never used "adorable" before in her life (yet what a way to finally have it hit you!!) and Silas being completely confounded by the fact that someone came inside despite the sign out front that asked them not to. LOL!

My biggest surprise -- Silas is so young! I wasn't expecting that ... I had pictured him as in his early to mid 20's, a contemporary of L&C. I guess I'd have to go back to the earlier parts to see what gave me that impression. Maybe the fact that he thinks he has a chance with "Lorraine"? (Who is all of 25-26 at this point -- maybe future Kent men go for "older" women. <g>) Or maybe his boredom and disillusionment, which seem like he's gone a few more rounds with life than a twenty-year-old would have.

I didn't even blink, though, as some have, over Silas not being more curious -- as has been mentioned, he lives in a world where there isn't ever anything *to* investigate (which is probably why he's so bored, LOL) so there is no reason for him to be suspicious. His first thought is to help them acclimate, which proves that he's a descendent of Lane *and* Kent. smile

Can't wait till Saturday!
