This is an interesting topic. I am a professor in NY. Many of my students call me professor or Professor Christian but I ask them on the first day to call me Laura. Most of the students have no problem calling me by my first name.

I explain to them that while I have earned the title, to me, professor, is an old man with white hair and glasses. I don't like it much. I also don't like being called Aunt by nieces and Nephews that are in their 20's and 30's. My Aunts are all in their 80's and 90's! I don't like anything that gives me the title of (old fart) I hate Mame and Miss almost as much. It is really my own silly perception and I know it doesn't affect my colleagues or relatives in the same way.

I am Laura, no better or worse then anyone else. My age should not matter. I do have more experience in my subject then my students; however it does not make me a better human being, just a more experienced one.

My students are all adults; they all have their own stories. Some are older then me, most are younger. Some surf, golf, run, work, own businesses etc. I do none of those things<g>.
We are all just people! I am not a big fan of titles as you can see.

Other cultures do have different feelings and views on the matter, so I don't give them a hard time when they insist on calling me miss or professor. To them it is disrespectful to do otherwise. To show no disrespect to them I deal with it.


Clark: “If we can be born in an instant, and die in an instant, why can’t we fall in love in an instant?”

Caroline's "Stardust"