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I suppose I find it a little odd. The fact is while he/she may have grown up, he/she is still of younger generation, which means he/she should show you respect accorded by your age/status. Am I making sense here?
In the Western world the age difference versus an order of respect doesn't hold throughout life. Once you become an adult you are sort of absorbed into the great peloton of life. (So I've been watching the Tour de France!)
All adults are pretty much equal unless there is a familial or organizational difference. I think that is the same with the internet here. We are all assumed to be functioning adults until somebody proves they aren't by their comments.
Addresses are situational. The Admiral may be younger than you, but you address him as "Admiral Lastname" at work. Even if he is your father and you have the same Lastname, you call him Admiral in a work situation.
Assuming he isn't a relative, but also a rather close friend (not an acquaintance), when in informal social situations you can call him just plain Bill. If the Admiral is a woman, the same applies, but you call her "ma'am" instead of "sir".
Collegues of equal or similar rank use first names unless it is a formal situation.
One of the kicks I get with Stargate SG-1 is that they have that whole addressing folks thing right.
BTW Anna, you are very adult. I wouldn't have guessed you were just 17.

History is easy once you've lived it. - Duncan MacLeod
Writing history is easy once you've lived it. - Artemis