Marilyn, I started reading Brockmann's "Troubleshooters" books, which are one-off titles. I loved them so much I plowed through them. Now I'm going back and reading her series of "Tall, Dark and Dangerous" books that she did for Silhouette Intimate Moments. Currently they are being re-released as one-off titles by Mira, so the "oldest" ones are now "current" on Border's and Barnes and Noble bookshelves and through Amazon. It is really really hard to find the old ones that haven't been re-released yet (everything written after "Harvard's Education") because they seem to be keepers. The book "Get Lucky" is nearly impossible to find - it was IMO the best I've read so far and the cover was something of an industry joke because it was so horrendous.

I agree with you about the head-hopping. I'm not a POV purist by any degree although I do prefer one POV within a single scene (unless it's a love scene, because then I like the give-and-take/action-reaction flow). So it didn't detract too much for me from the stories even though I wish she'd done it differently.

One good thing is that I've found that she does this head-hopping in her series books but not in her one-off titles. If it really annoys you, you might want to try those instead. "The Unsung Hero" is the first title in the series, but they can most definitely be read out of order. I like the build-up of backstory that happens by reading them in order. Even so, my favorite title wasn't her first but rather the fourth book in the line. I liked all of them, though, reading them into the wee hours <g>.

Also, the one thing I like better about her one-off titles is the fact that she is free-er to use realistic language. She does much better creating real characters when her big macho Navy SEALs are allowed to use a few select four-letter words. wink


You know that boy'd walk on water for you? Or he'd drown tryin'. -Perry White to Lois in Just Say Noah