Almost forgot...for the "literature" junkies among you....Jasper Fforde has a series of Thursday Next novels (that's his heroine), starting with the Eyre Affair and, most recently, Something Wicked.

If you are well-read in the classics, you will howl at the idea of performing Richard III ala Rocky Horror and conducting "rage management counseling" inside of Wuthering Heights.

He's a cross between Douglas Adams and Dashiell Hammett. The stuff is a riot!
Even if you're not particularly well-read in the classics <g>, Jasper Fforde's books are hysterical. I'm sure some of the jokes are going over my head, but the ones I catch are both hilarious and clever. I must admit I liked the first one, The Eyre Affair , best, but the later ones are fun too. I second the recommendation!
