It does seem as if Nora Roberts has to be the most prolific writer out there. I've never managed to read one of her books in its entirety - I imagine I just haven't selected the right one yet. But I figure she must have something pretty special to maintain the level of readership that she has. She's always showing up on the NYT Bestseller list - an accompishment to be sure.

I've recently discovered the books of Suzanne Brockmann. I never liked contemporary romance fiction until I started reading her Navy SEALs books. And now I'm totally hooked! Just ask CC and Lab - I've been preaching to everyone how great they are <g>. I think she manages the perfect balance of a-plot and romance and her heroes and heroines all ring very true for me. I've really been enjoying trolling through her backlist and am looking forward to her new release this December.

As for Jennifer Cruisie, I have "Bet Me" sitting on the top of my TBR pile. She comes highly recommended, so I'm looking forward to reading it.


You know that boy'd walk on water for you? Or he'd drown tryin'. -Perry White to Lois in Just Say Noah