I watched L&C obsessively during it's initial run. I was in middle school and then high school. I remember the thing that got me interested was they ran the first few Superman movies on TNT or TBS and I had never seen them, so I watched them and enjoyed them. Not too long after I saw a newspaper or magazine article talking about "the new Superman show coming on" and I thought, hmmm that might be interesting.

When I started watching, I was hooked. My husband (we met and started dating in high school) is a huge comic book fan and watched L&C as well. When we were getting to know each other, I told him my favorite show was L&C. His face just lit up! We got together shortly after that, and have been together ever since. (Almost 15 years now.)

I actually discovered fanfic when I was in high school and I am pretty sure the first fic I remember reading was Sheila Harper's "A Shot In the Dark". I have been hooked ever since.

So thank you to all of the wonderful, talented authors who have managed to extend the magic of Lois and Clark for me for so many years through fanfic. This is truly the best, highest quality fanfic site I know of (and I'm involved in several fandoms.)