When it came out in the 90's, I remember watching it and enjoying it, though I don't remember being obsessive about it. smile I was getting sort of sick of the seriousness of television these days and was looking for a show to watch from back-when and then I remembered liking Lois & Clark. I've always had a 'thing' for Superman, in all his incarnations, even the cheesier ones... but this one is certainly the best! I also appreciate their love story more now, being in my late 20's. I even like it's campier aspects, just because it highlights a time in all of our lives when we as a nation were a bit more innocent. I miss those days... (btw, my byline says Germany, but I am an American. Just living abroad smile )

Reach for the moon, for even if you fail, you'll still land among the stars... and who knows? Maybe you'll meet Superman along the way. wink