I've been a fan of Lois & Clark since the pilot. I'd just come back to California after a year slogging through the bureaucracy of Washington, D.C. and was very ready for some fantasy. I'd been a fan of Superman since the comics. Clark was my hero because I was a four-eye overweight dork mercilessly teased by my peers. (Yes, bullying in school has a loooong history).
So anyway, I loved the pilot and Debroah Joy Levine's take on the story. And of course, I had loved the first two Superman movies with Chris Reeve.
It was great when the series started and they revised the first two hour pilot into the first two episodes. I loved the humor of it. They didn't take themselves seriously and it was great. The dialog and banter sold me. It was also light (especially compared to today's Smallville, but I'm watching that too.)
I campaigned for the DVD set along with others and I'm in the fan section of the DVD. They made me take my glasses off because of light reflection and I look a little weird to myself.
Anyway, I'm here now full time except when I'm traveling and finally able to write some fanfic.

History is easy once you've lived it. - Duncan MacLeod
Writing history is easy once you've lived it. - Artemis