Had to comment on three posts...

1. Superman drilling THRU the Earth on COTOC = Kelly laughing hysterically about how to make instant volcanoes that will devastate both Metropolis and whatever the heck the other city was on the 'other' side of the globe (in the middle of the Indian Ocean? Huh??)!! Hello! Magma!! Quickest route of escape!! BOOM! *facepalms*

2. The scene at the end of "Ghosts" cracks me up *every* time because it's actually a blooper that they left in...when Teri is waving the pancake turner around like it's possessed, she accidently splatters Dean with egg - she laughs and says "Oops", you hear Dean laughing (not a Clark laugh, but a full-bodied Dean guffaw) and then he throws the napkin at her from off-camera. rotflol rotflol rotflol

3. Nora, Clark gives Martha a "OMG, MOM...!" look when she's asking about the sleeping arrangements! LOL I loved the wave-off he gives her when she's taking Lois up and looks back at him and mouths "I love her!" It totally says "Mom, you are incorrigable..."

The Spencer Spencer scene with Lois ("Kill me.") was good too laugh

I can't think of any more off the top of my head...Oh!

We all know that one of Tempus' favorite words is "Duh!" when talking about how Clark/Superman disgused himself from Lois and the rest of the world. It cracks me up that *Dean* does the same thing when talking about Clark vs Sups. He said it at the Q&A in March here in St Louis. I'll have to look for it again on the video (yes, it's on YT) to tell you where it is. "Duh!" EDIT: It's here , at about the 18ish minute mark.

"It's the mythology of a sun god who wished he was a man because he saw something so great in us.
It's the story of a hero who could move whole worlds and see through stars and hear a whisper on the other side of the planet...
...and who fell in love with a storyteller." - ashmaht (x)