Well there are few episodes that haven't made me grin. laugh

Except those mentioned above we have:

The Cleveland exchange in the pilot.

"Superman is definitely an alien entity. He comes from the planet Trofax and he's not alone. I've been on the ship, there are thousands like him. Freeze-dried. Awaiting a call to arms."

All the scenes where Luthor extoll his extraordinary traits or masterplans to his dog or whatnot.
With this gem from Vatman as the crowning touch:

"Lex: And then the wolf said to Little Red Ridinghood, ‘Are you sure the policy is in your name?’ And Little Red Ridinghood said, ‘Yes, Grandma promised that when she passed away, I would inherit everything’, and then the wolf said, ‘Hmm . . . let's pay Grandma a visit.' And so Little Red Ridinghood took off her hood and her cape, and she gave it to the wolf.
Vatman: And the wolf went through the forest to grandmother’s house and he ate her, and then he and Red Ridinghood split the money."

Wall of sound is one of my favourites. Lois is over the top for laughs but not jarringly so.

"Clark: Lois, you're not upset because I got nominated . . .
Lois: That is ridiculous. We both did great stories. Mine destroyed an international drug network, and yours told the really searing truth about old people. And, and, I can't believe that. I mean there's gotta be some mistake. They lost my story, or their brains were taken over by aliens or something, because. . . . Oh, God, look at me. This is really pathetic, isn't it? I didn't know I could be this small. I'm sorry. I'm sorry."

Or the reconcilations scene where Lois brush away Clark's attempt to nail her down.

The copymachine in the source.

"Well, it's obvious this machine needs a new Thermo... Master... connector. (off the woman's doubtful look) That's the thing that connects the Thermo to the Master. We'll order it today, be back tomorrow.
SECRETARY Maybe you'd better explain the problem to my boss. I don't want to lose anything in the translation.
LOIS What's to lose? It's broken and we'll fix it tomorrow.
CLARK Uh, actually, I think all it needs is a good kick.
LOIS A kick? It needs a kick?! (to secretary) He's joking. He's a trainee. They do that.
CLARK It can't hurt to try, 'Miss Jefferson.' Lois shoots him a look, then kicks the machine. Nothing.
LOIS Maybe I'm kicking the wrong thing."


"BENDER Listen, you're lucky we're not prosecuting you for illegal trespass.
LOIS (calling after him) Yeah!? Wait 'til you get our bill for fixing your copy machine!"

Spencer-Spencer and his team of villains. A pity he didn't get another episode.

"What do you mean she's alive?!! Idiot! High school drop-out! I'll deal with you when I see you! (to Klavel)Slam the phone down definitively."

"You know, I was gonna kill you for all that crap you wrote about me, but I thought you might prefer an exciting career opportunity.
LOIS What do you mean?
SPENCER SPENCER You can be my sex slave.
LOIS Kill me.
SPENCER SPENCER I know, I know, the body. Maybe I shouldn't hide it in a box, maybe you imagine it worse than it is.
LOIS Maybe.
SPENCER SPENCER (exploding) You _couldn't_ imagine worse than this!! My only chance at girls like you is shootin' 'em up with cobra venom, and _then_ it's iffy!!"

All sleaze interviews in season four.
"Lois: Listen, let's get something straight. Clones eat frogs. Not lizards. Frogs. Any idiot knows that."

Nunk was a unsung hero.

I do know you, and I know you wouldn't lie... at least to me...most of the time...