I've been completely swamped with work for the last several days, and I've ended up putting on L&C as background noise while I work. Since Friday night I've watched 46 episodes wink I do still have to laugh sometimes though!

- The Prankster... A lot of the things he does makes me laugh, but the one that comes to mind at the moment (because I just saw it <g>) is when he freezes Victor, puts the pincers in his nose, and then when Victor unfreezes he says, "Now, Victor, now instead of putting pincers up inside our nostrils, which is ornamental but perhaps not as helpful as one would wish..." He's so casual about it!

- Perry dancing. Anytime wink Shaking his butt at Martha and Jonathan (and the camera <g>) in Season's Greedings... Singing "Hunka hunka burnin' love" outside Rehalia's door (and the stunned look he gets when her husband opens the door)...

- Actually, there are a lot of really funny moments in Season's Greedings. I love the little wobble Lois does when Perry catches her playing hopscotch.

I'll probably have more of these before I'm done studying... This is a fun topic smile
