Interesting link, Lynn. I am *really* amused by the fact that they say that washroom is still common in Chicago - I've been here 3 years, and it's my second stint here, and I would *not* say that it's a common term heard here.

(For the record, speaking of "regional" use - I've lived in CA, MI, OH, IL {Chicago, obviously}, and TX, and it was never a commonly heard term in any of those regions.)

Also, just remembered another one - was watching a tv show and it reminded me - the "little girl's/little boy's room". Similarly, in public settings - restaurant, store, etc - people would ask for "the men's room" or "the ladies' room". Much more uncouth - "the john" or "the can".

And then the one my friends and I learned while playing a board game - the thunder mug.

And now I need to get my mind out of the toilet angel-devil and back to studying.


I don't suffer from insanity...I enjoy every minute of it.