I just so much enjoyed this story. The whole thing made me want to wrap up in a cozy blanket and have a cup of hot chocolate!

Mostly, I loved that it is a story about a promise - not the whole, hog-wild, love love love stuff, but something so much more real. Lab has so completely caught, for me anyway, the way I can imagine Lois and Clark's relationship blossoming. Small, baby steps, but going forward all the same. Even though these two didn't end up in bed together or declaring their undying love and devotion, the whole thing had such a happy, promising ending that you just know the eventual conclusion at some point further down the road.

Love the heart at the end. I loved it so much, I had planned to include it in the trailer, but it seemed too much of a spoiler, so I left it out. Since the story is finished, I'm going to post it now. This is what I imagine Lois drew on that frosted window pane.

[Linked Image]

Excellent story, Lab. Thanks for letting me get a sneak peek at it. Of course, now you've whetted my appetite. I hope we get to see some more from you and your Muse very soon. wink


You know that boy'd walk on water for you? Or he'd drown tryin'. -Perry White to Lois in Just Say Noah