This is one of those stories I'm have a very difficult time writing feedback for. I keep writing, deleting, re-writing, and deleting all over again. I just can't seem to put into words how I felt about this story!

All I can think to say is, I was most definitely *not* disappointed by the ending. It was perfect. I would quote all my favorite parts, but then I'd just have to quote the whole chapter, and what would be the point in that?

I loved Clark tenderly caressing her hair as she sleeps, and confessing not only his love but also his fears to her. Loved even more that she remembered the next day!

For some reason, your description of the dog in bed with Lois just had me laughing out loud.

I must admit, I was sort of hoping Clark would find a reason to go into the kitchen and see what Lois had written on the window, but, after reading the entire story, I think it is better like this. Just a hope of a new beginning. Clark talking himself into not giving up on Lois, and Lois deciding maybe it is about time for her to open up to Clark. I think I'm going to cry....

Again, all I can do is compliment you again and again on your excellent writing style, and tell you this story was an absolute pleasure to read!

- Vicki

edited to take out my comment about the bullet holes in the car, since I see you were posting at the same time I was, and you addressed the problem.

"Hold on, my friends, to the Constitution and to the Republic for which it stands. Miracles do not cluster and what has happened once in 6,000 years, may not happen again. Hold on to the Constitution" - Daniel Webster