Go Tascha!

I wrote all of 108 words yesterday :p . That was either on my iPhone or Google docs at school. Was just one of those days and I'm afraid today is going to be as well. I have a ton of laundry to fold and a kitchen to clean and 4 kids to take to get their H1N1 vaccines and... /sigh/

And the stinkin' characters [the bad guy ex mainly - not a Lex type bad guy, more a Lana type bad guy] did something about 3 weeks [and 3-4 chapters] before I wanted him to /more sighs/.

Am moving the rest of my info from my old laptop to my new one at the moment. Then need to clean the LR, fold those clothes and then maybe I can write for a bit. I could do the dishes while the kids eat lunch. I have about 2.5 hours before I need to leave. We'll see what I can get done in that time... /sigh/