At 5,670 words I am proud of what I have achieved so far. But I also realized that I am only about 1/9th done. That in a way is good since I don't really know to end it. But there is an awful lot left to be filled in.

I am writing in the past tense. But most of what I am including happened even earlier and the whole "had been" is driving me crazy. There is just too much of it and I am afraid it is going to get too boring. Yet, writing in present tense doesn't seem much better. What am I to do??

Also, thank you all for your idea regarding my dilemma. I decided to change my story idea a little bit as you can see in the other thread. I couldn't write about something I am not comfortable with...

Natascha (off to the casino tonight and wondering if she could include that somehow in her story... <g>)