Tank, do not open this thread
What do you want to make a bet that Tank took a wee little peek? In DJ’s words... “Snort!”

I will also tell you that there is an old wives' tale that vacuuming the carpet will bring on labor
Haha! I think that’s one of the best ‘ones’ I’ve ever heard. I think it may have been coincidence that your water broke. (But now that one about having sex... It's fairly accurate.)

I was afraid they would give her a bottle (which they did, against my orders)
They may have done this for the baby’s benefit. From my experience working in the nursery, I’d say that most likely they were worried that her blood sugar might plummet. And chances are they only gave her sugar water.

And yes, also speaking as a former labor and delivery nurse, 10 cm is correct, but that’s not all. You can be 10 cm and push all you want, but if your cervix isn’t thin enough yet, it won’t do you a bit of good. The cervix thins out so it is nearly paper thin.

Great thread, ML!! wink

~~Even heroes have the right to dream.~~