It's dangerous to ask women for birth info, because we all have our stories!

I think 10 cm is correct. I don't remember anything about the timing of contractions. I can tell you that if the water has already broken, they want the baby to be born within 24 hours, because otherwise the risk of bacterial contamination is higher. (At least this was true 15 years ago, with my daughter.) So they will induce if necessary. I will also tell you that there is an old wives' tale that vacuuming the carpet will bring on labor; I did not know this until I did it and it made my water break. (She was already overdue.)

With my son (18 years ago), he "crowned" (they could see the top of his head), and the nurse said "We'll be done in an hour!" Three hours and 45 minutes later I was still pushing, and it took two nurses pushing on my abdomen, a vacuum-cleaner-like thingy (that didn't work), and forceps that looked like a large pair of salad tongs to pop him out. My daughter was much quicker, which was good, because they had her on a heart rate monitor and her heart rate was dropping. Turned out she had tied a knot in her umbilical cord, so they whisked her away for a special checkup as soon as she was born; I was angry because they would not bring her back, and I was afraid they would give her a bottle (which they did, against my orders), so I would have gotten up and gone after her, but my body was so dead from the epidural that I could not move. I told my husband to go get her instead, but he didn't do it--come to think of it, it's 15 years later, and I'm not sure I've forgiven him for that yet.