Every woman's delivery is different - my little charmer was technically three weeks late (me thinks the doctor couldn't read a calendar.) This was 22 years ago. Ended up with an ultrasound, tests I've forgotten the names of and wouldn't to repeat. Finally went into labor (I knew it was labor, hurt like the dickens.) Got to the hospital, no dilation. They send me home, tell me and hubby to come back when the contractions are closer together or Monday - whichever comes first. We go to pizza and a movie, go back to the hospital on Monday to be induced.

TWO DAYS on IV with drugs. Stuck for hours at 9.5 cm. This was a teaching hospital so everybody and his freakin' brother is wandering through. Finally the head of the department comes through and tells me he has an emergency C-section next door and if my kid isn't ready to be born by the time he comes back I was going to be next. I never worked so hard in my life.


And yes, women do threaten their husbands and bystanders. I threatened to murder my stepmother when she showed up at the hospital.

Big Apricot Superman Movieverse
The World of Lois & Clark
Richard White to Lois Lane: Lois, Superman is afraid of you. What chance has Clark Kent got? - After the Storm