To answer Anna's question - yes, writers can participate in the guessing. Obviously they will know their own stories <g>. I see our final answers/guesses posts looking something like this, and suppose Tank was the one who submitted these guesses:

"Once Upon a Time" by Writer #1 - Joe Doe
"Happily Every After" by Writer #2 - Mary Sue Smith
"Angst, Angst and More Angst" by Writer #3 - DramaQueen
"Smooches 'N Nothing Else" by Writer #4 - ClarkLuvsLois
"Everyone Dies and Jimmy Dies Twice After Lois Gets Her Hair Cut" by Writer #5 - Tank

Of course, these are all made up writers not real writers (well, I think Tank is pretty real, but I've never actually seen him so it's debatable), but it's just for demonstration. So you get the idea - obviously when you would enter the name of the writer of your own story - you would put your own name as your "guess".

Hope that helps. If not, let me know and I'll try to clear up any confusion.


You know that boy'd walk on water for you? Or he'd drown tryin'. -Perry White to Lois in Just Say Noah