Um, what Pam and KathyM said! smile

(I have to admit, it's funny to have another Kathy on the boards ... I keep looking at her posts and thinking "when did I write this?" goofy )

As Pam explained, I think the rewrite of this scene is marvelous, and the reordering and fleshing out (no pun intended) of the bar scene definitely ties it all together. I love that Lois isn't moony over Superman anymore; yes, she can't help but enjoy a little ego boost over the fact that he might be missing her, but she's not fantasizing over him the day after kissing Clark.

And I love the way that Clark finally loses his cool. (A true TDASC moment! Oh, Annie, I'm so proud!) Your explanation for him getting upset was perfect -- he was letting himself get a bit hopeful after her behavior in the bar, and it was a blow to hear her talk about Superman while ignoring their kiss. Even though Lois wasn't doing anything more than being obsessively curious, it makes complete sense that Clark would be overly sensitive to any mention of his alter-ego right now, so his reaction was perfectly in character.

And, of course, the ending ... with them in bed, him holding her to him, comforting her, only to be reminded of his belief that she loves him only as a friend ... very poignant.

Great job. smile
