
Oh. My. God.

I haven't been commenting on anything, to save on time and as a method of keeping me away, but if course I've been over here checking up on updated stories every so often. But this chapter. Just.

I think you broke me. I love it so much. The angst is so wonderful and powerful, and my heart hurts for Clark and I cried, actually, genuinely teared up and cried, because it was so painfully well done and maybe I am PMS-ing, but damn, you wrote this scene so well. I was nervous that maybe Lex saw him fly off with Lois or something and knew he was Superman-- but that was just pure evil genius, to use Clark as bait and then kill Superman too... GAH! And his acceptance of his life now, the way Clark is forcing himself to part from Clark and just be Superman killed me almost as much as that stabbing scene did. I can't, I just can't describe my feelings on this chapter any more. I can't even think of more words, so I'll just leave it with the comment that I will be checking daily for the next installment and this face: shock

Nothing spoils a good story like the arrival of an eye witness.
--Mark Twain